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的 纪律大澳博app办公室 (ODC) was created by the District of Columbia 上诉法院 to investigate and prosecute complaints of ethical misconduct against lawyers licensed to practice law in the District of Columbia who violate the D.C. 职业行为准则 (RPC).

规则规定了澳博app对委托人的义务, 法院, 以及公众在专业和私人交易中的表现. 的 purpose of this process is to protect the public by disciplining lawyers who violate the ethics rules. 本署不能考虑对以司法身份行事的法官提出的申诉.

有关其他信息,请参见 宗旨及使命.


纪律澳博app办公室不能代表你, 给你任何法律建议, 或者改变法院判决的结果.

纪律检察官办公室不能让你找澳博app. 你可以咨询D.C. 酒吧公益中心 to obtain information about legal representation by calling their 法律信息求助热线 at 202-626-3499.


联系 D.C. 酒吧公益中心 如果你是一个生活在贫困中的人,有可能失去你的家, 你的生活, 或者你的家人. 中心也提供帮助 需要法律援助的小企业和社区非营利组织.

我和我的澳博app出了点问题. 我该怎么办??

Try to resolve issues with your attorney by communicating your concerns clearly and asking for a response.  你的澳博app应该清楚地说明费用协议和代理范围, 让你随时了解你的案子的进展, 并回应任何合理的信息要求.

If you feel that your problem is the result of poor communication or a misunderstanding between you and the attorney, 在你提起诉讼之前,你应该和澳博app开诚布公地谈一谈.


D.C. 酒吧的 寻找会员 feature provides the same publicly available contact information for attorneys that we would be able to share with you.  If you are still unable to reach your attorney, you may need to file a complaint with our office.


D.C. 酒吧的 寻找会员 feature enables a search of all attorneys licensed to practice law in the District of Columbia.  If an attorney is not listed as authorized to practice law and is advising you about D.C. law or representing you in Superior Court, please contact the 纪律大澳博app办公室.




If we determine that your complaint should be docketed for investigation because it alleges facts that, 如果这是真的, 会违反职业行为准则吗, 你的投诉将被转交给澳博app以得到答复.


如果你认为你的澳博app违反了 D.C. 职业行为准则,你应提出书面投诉,或填妥并提交 投诉表格 (签署及填妥日期),邮寄或传真至纪律大澳博app办公室. 表格必须正确填写. Along with the 投诉表格, please submit relevant documents and information, including:

  • 收费或聘用协议或声明的副本;
  • 信件副本, 传真, 电子邮件, 以及其他与投诉主题有关的信件;
  • 你所拥有的法律文件副本;
  • Copies of filings or statements received by you from the attorney; and
  • 已注销支票的复印件或您向澳博app支付的任何款项的证据.

如果你没有提供事实和文件来支持你的投诉, it may result in either a request for additional information or a dismissal of the complaint.

你不需要指出你认为澳博app违反了什么规则.  在一般情况下, the 职业行为准则 ensure that attorneys provide competent representation, 保护客户的利益, 法相当, 并且诚实.

不寄正本文件给我们吗. 我们不能负责保管或归还给您.

*的 纪律大澳博app办公室 does not represent you against the attorney or in any ongoing case involving that attorney.


A complaint should contain all information allowing Disciplinary Counsel to understand the problem.  这应该包括你的联系方式, 澳博app的联系方式, 相关法庭案件的案件编号, 描述一下你和澳博app之间的问题.  包括日期, 法律问题的性质, 以及你认为澳博app哪里做错了的具体信息.  提供尽可能多的事实和支持文件, 包括费用协议, 法庭文件, 以及你希望我们考虑的信件或笔记. 发送副本. 不寄正本文件.


Your complaint will be reviewed by the 纪律大澳博app办公室 to ensure that it falls within the jurisdiction of the office and evaluated to determine if there are issues that form the basis of a disciplinary investigation. 如果投诉属于办公室的管辖范围, it will be assigned to an attorney to conduct a preliminary inquiry or a disciplinary investigation. 的 assigned attorney will notify you if they are conducting a preliminary inquiry or if they are undertaking a confidential investigation of your complaint. 如果需要更多信息,我们会与您联系.

初步调查或纪律调查完成后, 您将通过邮件收到关于您的投诉处理的正式通知. 的 complaint may be resolved through a review process, which includes one of the following:

  • 驳回申诉;
  • 实行私人纪律(分流协议);
  • 施加公共纪律(非正式训诫);
  • 对澳博app提出正式的纪律指控. 当指控通过请愿书正式提出时, the 纪律大澳博app办公室 has the responsibility for prosecuting the charges before a hearing committee, 专业责任委员会, 最后是D.C. 上诉法院. 的 charging document and the attorney response are public and will be posted on the D.C. 酒吧的网站. If the discipline includes suspension or disbarment, it must be review and approved by the D.C. 上诉法院. 所有公共纪律都张贴在D区.C. 酒吧的网站.


No.  You may let us know if you are satisfied with any remedial actions taken by your attorney, 但纪律顾问仍有义务调查你的投诉.

Will I be notified of the outcome of Disciplinary Counsel’s investigation of my complaint?

是的.  我们可能会联系你以获得进一步的信息, 我们会通知你我们的调查结果.


Any of the following sanctions may be imposed on an attorney for a disciplinary violation:

  1. 取消澳博app资格 澳博app的职业生涯. 的 attorney is prohibited from practicing law for at least five years and must petition for reinstatement to the bar and prove fitness to resume the practice of law.
  2. 悬架 在适当的固定期限内,不得超过三年. 时间的长短取决于不当行为的性质. Any order of suspension may include a requirement that the attorney provide proof of rehabilitation as a condition of reinstatement. 在没有这种要求的情况下, 暂停期间届满,澳博app可以恢复执业.
  3. 谴责. 的 attorney permitted to continue practicing law is publicly censured for misconduct but is permitted to continue practicing law.
  4. 谴责. 的 attorney is publicly reprimanded for misconduct but is permitted to continue practicing law.
  5. 非正式的警告. 的 attorney is written a letter of admonition by the Disciplinary Counsel for misconduct but permitted to continue practicing law.
  6. 撤销或中止 作为特别法律顾问的执业执照.
  7. 缓刑. 的 Court imposes conditions that are related to the misconduct for not more than three years. 缓刑可以代替或附加于任何其他纪律处分. 试用的条件,应当在试用令中以书面形式说明. 订单还应说明是否, 到什么程度, 澳博app应被要求将缓刑通知当事人. 董事会应根据规则制定监督试用的程序. Violation of any condition of probation shall make the attorney subject to revocation of probation and the imposition of any other disciplinary sanction listed in this subsection, 但仅限于缓刑令规定的范围内.


你可以看看你的澳博app有没有 有纪律的.  Disciplinary Counsel is not permitted to disclose whether complaints were filed against an attorney unless they result in public discipline.


No.  过了很长一段时间后,调查投诉可能会变得更加困难, but there is no statute of limitations for filing a complaint with Disciplinary Counsel.


纪律顾问有权调查对澳博app的投诉.  If we believe an attorney has violated their obligations under the 职业行为准则, 我们可以设法约束澳博app.



  • 在任何诉讼中代表您
  • 给你法律建议 
  • 推荐澳博app
  • 停止其他法律程序
  • 收回的钱
  • 强迫澳博app做点什么


是的.  所有的投诉都必须以书面形式提出, 但是如果你对程序有疑问或者你是否应该投诉, 请致电202-638-1501.


如果你对法律费用不满意, 除了与我们的办公室联系外,您还可以向D提出费用争议.C. 酒吧的 澳博app/客户仲裁委员会.  如果你因为澳博app的不诚实行为而损失了资金, 你可以向税务局申请发还款项.C. 酒吧的 客户保障基金.


你可以联系类似的办事处 其他司法管辖区.


纪律顾问不得公开披露已提出的投诉. 的 D.C. 职业行为准则 requires the Disciplinary Counsel to treat complaints as confidential matters until the attorney has been served with a petition instituting formal charges or has agreed to be formally 有纪律的.
